What's new
Added clipboard copy feature to the scan result screen.
Added "Rate this App" to the settings screen.
Minor bug fixes.
This is a lightweight and fast QR code scanner that supports various code formats such as AZTEC, EAN_13, and provides rich functionality to utilize scan results effectively.
[Key Features]
★ Quickly scan QR codes with ease.
★ Scan codes from the camera or images.
★ Record scanned results for future reuse.
★ Save scanned results as image files.
★ Provide rich integration capabilities with scanned results.
★ Support various code formats such as AZTEC, CODABAR, CODE_128, DATA_MATRIX, EAN_13, ITF, PDF_417, MAXICODE, QR_CODE, RSS_14, UPC_A, UPC_E, UPC_EAN_EXTENSION, etc.
★ Offer various scan options (continuous scanning, vibration, sound, etc.).
[Permissions Required]
Camera: Used to scan QR codes.
Photos/Media/Files: Used to save scanned QR codes.