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Having trouble making decisions? Let LuckSpin take the wheel! With LuckSpin, you can effortlessly choose what to do, who pays, or generate random numbers and passwords.
🌀 Spin the Wheel: Can't decide? Spin and let luck decide for you. Create customizable wheels for any occasion. Add your own titles and options, spin the wheel, and get a random result. Perfect for choosing meals or making any decision.
🤚 Random Picker: Need to pick someone from a group? Have everyone place a finger on the screen, and after a few seconds, the selected person's finger will be highlighted. Ideal for selecting who pays the bill at a gathering or other group decisions. You can customize the number of people to be selected (1-5).
🔢 Random Number Generator: Generate one or multiple random numbers within a specified range and view the sum and average of the results. Fair and square every time!
🔐 Random Password Generator: Create strong, customizable passwords. Choose the length (6-32) and select from various options including numbers, uppercase / lowercase letters, and special characters. You can also avoid confusing characters like "0oO", "iLl|" for better clarity.