Ribbon: Social & Culture App
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Ribbon – Social & Culture Experience APP
WHAT is Ribbon
Imagine you and your family are going on a vacation, You guys have just arrived in a new city and wanted to go deeper to learn more about the local cultures, and you guys are tired of all the typical recommendations from the internet. Now, wouldn’t it be amazing, if there are someone who lived and grew up in that area and is now your friend, showing you the hidden adventures in the town and sharing with you the whole beautiful and untold story of the city only the local people know?
Yes, that's us. Ribbon – “Live life, connect culture.”
WHY was Ribbon created
Misunderstandings occur when people do not know each other well. We believe that through Ribbon’s one-of-a-kind way of cultural exchange, everyone will be more connected, fostering a closer and harmonious human relationship. In Ribbon, we believe that the best way to gain insight into local culture is to become friends with the locals. To get a unique taste of the cultural experience, by learning their language, accent, living habits, the pace of life, local food, and hidden gems that only the local knows about.
Ribbon's Mission:
Everything we do is devoted to one idea. We dream of a better world, where people can exchange culture with one another when traveling through Ribbon. With Ribbon, we bring people together from different cultures, backgrounds, and races. Overcome racial discrimination and improve human relationships.
Together, we can change the world for the better.