Driving Pro 3D
How to install Driving Pro 3D?
1. Download the ZIP file.
2. Install the Split APKs Installer application
3. Open the application and click on "Install APKs".
4. Find the folder where the downloaded ZIP is located and select it.
5. Follow the steps that appear on the screen.
What's new
Drive the most famous Cars and Helicopters the world through challenging roads that will test all your skills as a driver.
Cellphone cheat codes:
Car - 200,210,123
Small Helicopter-100
Big Helicopter - 400,410
Beautiful woman-2000
Walking dummy-1000
Explore the world in magic mat!
Drive different types of vehicles such as car, helicopter and aircraft.
Enjoy beautiful buildings and roads.
Enjoy flying in helicopter and aircraft.
Call to specific number to activate cheats.
Enjoy flying in magic mat which flies automatically.