Pişti Offline Classic Fun Card
How to install Pişti Offline Classic Fun Card APK?
1. Tap the downloaded Pişti Offline Classic Fun Card APK file.
2. Touch install.
3. Follow the steps on the screen.
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Pişti (pronounced "pishti") is a popular Turkish card game, using a standard 52-card pack. Cards are played to a central pile, which can be captured by matching the previous card played or playing a jack. Points are scored for certain captured cards. The word "pişti", which means "cooked", describes a capture of a pile containing only one card, for which extra points are scored.
Pişti is also commonly played by two players or by four playing as individuals. The rules are the same as given above, with each player keeping an individual score.
A popular variation is to play with bluffing. When there is a single card on the table, the next player can play a single card on top of it face down, claiming a pişti. If the first card player believes this, it counts as a pişti for 10 points, and the card played is not shown. If the player of the first card does not believe it, the second card is turned face up. If it matches the first card, the pişti scores double – 20 points. If the second card is a bluff and does not match the first card, the team that played the first card scores 20 points for exposing the bluff; in that case, the two cards remain on the table and play continues. If you bluff when the face up card is a jack, then you will score 20 for a double pişti if you are believed, and if not the score will be doubled to 40.
Some descriptions do not mention the possibility of scoring double for a pişti made with a jack. It is possible that some players do not count this as a pişti at all, or only score it as a single pişti.